
Edwin Dizer


Art Music Composer

I have been writing classical compositions since about the age of
10, but I loved creating my own compositions from an even younger age.
music has been played in several prestigious public settings. Nonetheless, I
am always very happy if someone is interested in my art music, so please get in touch via the contact tab even
if you are just curious! If your ensemble would like to make a
request, I find writing new music for a keen ensemble the most fun of
compositions, in no particular order, include:

  1. Sinfonietta
  2. Sinfonietta
  3. Sinfonietta

Pieces for string quartet and piano:

  1. Epidictus

Pieces for string quartet and oboe:

  1. Oboe Quintet

Pieces for Choir:

  1. Ogun
  2. Ode to Indolence
  3. The Sick Rose
  4. A vos omnes
  5. The Dead IV
  6. The Hollow Men

Solo Piano:

  1. With Fury
  2. Five Lyric Pieces
  3. Rising Mist


  1. Violin Sonata
  2. Clarinet Sonata
  3. Trumpet Sonata
  4. Elegy for Violin and Piano
  5. Erasure for Clarinet,
  6. Percussion and Electronics
  7. Dance for Trumpet and Harp
  8. Sonatina for Trumpet and Harp
  9. Violin Sonatina for Bob

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Marané
    Edwin Dizer

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Intimacy
    Edwin Dizer

  • cover play_circle_filled

    02. Title
    Edwin Dizer

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Palace
    Edwin Dizer

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